Monday, June 12, 2006

Pictures Just Because

I notice that I really like seeing pictures in other peoples blogs. So here are some from
Kent's life, from my older son's graduation and senior all night party.


Pamela Joy said...

Yay! love pictures! Especially of me.
yes. you realize you're like the biggest blogger hippocrite in the world right? You complain about my friends when they write long stuff because they're "boring" and you complain about me when I don't post pictures. HIPOCRITE. But it's ok, I still love you a lot. I love the mustache picture. Honestly, if someone showed me that picture and asked me if I knew the person I believe I would say no. I don't believe I would have the faintest idea who it was.

Barb said...

I love "just because pictures". Though these may have deserved a little better title, like Charles finally graduates and look what he chooses to wear!!!!