Saturday, September 02, 2006

Twenty Five Years

Kent Getting Baptised 22 Years Ago

Tomorrow is our fellowship's (New Life Fellowship) twenty fifth anniversary. Barbara and I joined the fellowship almost 23 years ago.

The day after tomorrow is the twenty fifth anniversary of my marriage to Barbara.

I spent six hours in the past few days scanning in pictures from the past two decades.

Children were born, grew up, got married, had babies.
I saw faces that reminded me of weddings, suicide, baptisms, funerals, graduations, first steps, last words, friends, fights, gossip, encouragement, singing, wailing, joy, despair, drug addiction, games, potlucks, fear, delight, and the list goes on.

I realized that my life has made a difference in many other lives. Sometimes a small difference.
Sometimes a large difference. Sometimes I was following Gods leading. Many times I was not.

I feel that I have lived a lot, but that it seems to have passed quickly.

In the years or months or days that remain, I want to live my life as though it really matters.
I have come much closer to realizing that it really does.

May God grant us all the faith to believe that we are here to matter.

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