Saturday, September 23, 2006

Kent's Life SAQ

Yes, seldom asked questions.  In fact, very likely these questions have never been asked.

Why write about Kent’s life?
I like to write.  My life is the thing I have had the most experience with.  It doesn’t seem fair to write about other peoples lives.  I really can’t even tell you exactly what I have done and why I did it.   It gets worse when I write about other people.

Do you like it when other people read what you have written?
Yes.  That probably explains why I go to the trouble of putting it on the internet where any Yahoo or Google can see it if they want to.  However, in searches using the term “Kent’s Life” I am eclipsed by superman’s alter ego and by a Japanese pop star named Kento Handa.

Do you like readers to make comments?  
I especially like comments that make me feel important, powerful, funny, good looking, smart, spiritual, etc.  There is plenty of room for other comments as well. However, I have a lot of trouble with comments that make me feel like crap.  Also, I would never want anyone to write comments out of a sense of obligation. That would make me feel like crap, if I ever caught on.  

Should your readers be careful with what they read here?
Yes.  I have done a lot of things that people should not try with their own lives.  For that matter, be careful with anything you read!  I never have understood why folks talk as if reading is automatically better than TV, video games, or drugs.  Anything can mess with your head and screw up your life if you are not full of care.  That includes reading.  It even includes praying, if you are praying to a god you invented instead of the God who invented you.

Has Kent’s life been particularly interesting or exciting?
Most of my life has been pretty unremarkable.  I seldom write about those parts.  I don’t know if I have had more interesting or exciting times than someone else.  Like anyone could ever know that.

Are you always honest and completely open about your life?
No.  Too many people might get hurt, and I might be one of them!  


Anonymous said...

Well, I see that there are zero comments here. Better just write something out of consideration for my aging father....

Just kidding pappa. Is it a positive thing if I say you are my third destination when I go on the net? First, hotmail, where I rarely have anything of interest, because I myself don't bother to email my friends often enough. Then, pamela's blog, because it's almost my only way of keeping track of her. Then, your blog, because it's more interesting to me than anything else I know how to get to on the internet. And I am very dissapointed, of course, when there is nothing new to read, especially if all three sites fail to yeild results.

But Pamela's last post concerns me. Charles joining a fraternity? I am calling as soon as I think you guys are up.

Love, Julia

Pamela Joy said...

Look what good kids you have. I don't believe that you don't want us posting out of obligation, otherwise you won't call me to see why I haven't commented yet. ;-) But I post on everyone's so it's no burdon for me.
Fui a una inglsia de espanol esta manana. Era interesante. Tiene que ir alla para mi clase de espanol pero soy alegre porque queria a assistir una inglesia de espanol antes.
Debes ven conmigo a mi inglesia regular cuando vienes a vistitarme. Se llama "Church of the ressurection" o mas simple "the rez". Es "anglican" cual es un poco diferente que nuestros inglesia en Oregon pero me gusta mucho.
Ahora quiero que dormir pero tengo mucho trabajo para la escuela. Hhmmm, no se que debo hacer...
Chao papa, te quiero mucho!

Unknown said...

What could warm a dad's heart more than to get two sweet comments from his daughters so soon after posting! I am truly blessed.

Pamela, I could make out most of the Spanish section, but I will have to do a more thorough job later.

I love you both!


Barb said...

How sweet to check your blog and to "hear" from your girls. That is one of the things I like most, next to actually reading your blog, that is.

Pamela Joy said...

I know what they want mom: BOOBS. Oh wait... I guess not...
